Airfix A03091A 1/72 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17F 'Fresco'

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Airfix A03091A 1/72 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17F 'Fresco'
The end of the Second World War saw victorious Allied nations desperately attempting to secure details of German jet technology and high-speed research data which could be applied to their own jet projects. The Soviet Union used information and engine technology obtained from Britain to introduce the diminutive Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 in 1949 - one of the most capable of the early jet fighters.
Even as this aircraft proved effective during the Korean War, the Soviets were already working on its successor. The larger and faster Mig-17 Fresco may have looked like a larger incarnation of its predecessor, yet this was a completely redesigned aircraft, incorporating many improvements over the MiG-15 and a significant upgrade in Soviet jet capability.
The MiG-17 was designed to perform the role of bomber killer and was never intended as a dogfighter. However, its exceptional agility would allow this aircraft to score combat victories over much heavier and more modern American designs.
The Vietnam War was a sobering experience for the US Air Force, as some of their modern aircraft fell victim to the guns of the MiG-17. Lighter and much more manoeuvrable than the US aircraft, the subsonic MiG-17 claimed victories over aircraft like the F-105 Thunderchief and McDonnell Douglas Phantom, resulting in the US developing new agile air superiority fighters.

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